Christian Science Class Instruction

Christian Science Class Instruction

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To heal as Christ Jesus healed is natural for the spiritual seeker of today. Class instruction in Christian Science develops in each student the understanding of God's power and opens the door to the practicality of this healing. 

Such learning is a head and heart experience. For each one who enrolls in this unique and ongoing educational adventure, the experience is different. This booklet explores many facets of class instruction with its yearly association meeting as provided by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discover and Founder of Christian Science and its first teacher.

The articles and poem may evoke sweet memories and perhaps forgotten resolves in the one who has already had class instruction. Individuals anticipating this experience will find guideposts and a hint of the good that lies ahead. Each reader will be nourished, and encouraged to pursue the goal of healing through a clearer understanding of God and divine metaphysics. 
