Church Manual - Midsize Sterling edition paperback

Church Manual - Midsize Sterling edition paperback

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by Mary Baker Eddy

The Church Manual of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts is a vital statement by the Church’s Founder, Mary Baker Eddy. The Manual establishes the foundation, government, services, and activities of the First Church of Christ, Scientist.

The Rules and By-Laws of the Manual provide indispensable guidelines for the self-government of individual church members.

Referring to the Manual, Mrs. Eddy wrote, “Of this I am sure, that each Rule and By-Law in this Manual will increase the spirituality of him who obeys it, invigorate his capacity to heal the sick, to comfort such as mourn, and to awaken the sinner” (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, page 230).

The author, Mary Baker Eddy, devoted more than four decades to communicating a message of hope, healing, comfort, and spiritual strength to the world. She healed, taught, preached, lectured, mentored, and published. Her accomplishments include launching a newspaper — The Christian Science Monitor — and discovering and founding a system of spiritual healing — Christian Science. Mrs. Eddy’s greatest contribution was writing Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and making it available to everyone.

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